One day, I had a eureka moment when I was working on my computer. I had to press the Refresh button on the internet to reload a web page. At that very moment, I had a revelation where I realized that I needed to press my own Refresh button!
Have you ever been to an amazing event, watched an encouraging movie, read a book that moved you? Or have you heard a song or had an inspirational experience that convicted you to want to change and start over at that very moment, or that day or with your whole life? This thought moved me when I saw this simple symbol and the desire to press the Refresh button for myself. I decided to dive deeper.
There are two definitions of the verb Refresh. One is in computing and the other is in life.
In computing ~ An act of updating, renewing or reloading the display on a screen. To make the most recent information and updates on an internet page appear by clicking on the Refresh button on the computer screen.
In Life ~ To make like new by cleansing, repairing and rebuilding. To start over again. To give new strength or energy.
So often, we get caught up in daily events and allow ourselves to be affected by others or circumstances we can’t control. We become tied in knots, frustrated, bitter, down or just stuck! Well, God wants us to walk in peace and faith (believing in things that cannot be seen) and is pleased when we put our trust in Him. He knows the desires of our heart! Yet we sometimes walk through our days with negativity, self-pity, our own willfulness in neglecting God’s ways and His help.
It is written in Acts 3:19-21, “Now it’s time to change your ways! Turn to face God so he can wipe away your sins, pour out showers of blessings to Refresh you, and send the Messiah He prepared for you, Jesus. (The Message)
In addition to pressing our own Refresh button as we desire, there is a time that the Refresh button symbolizes the greatest event of our life … our own salvation! Just as we are, imperfections and all, at the moment we make this decision, we confess our sins and ask Jesus to cleanse us and to come into our life, God gives us the gift of salvation. The scriptures tell us that when we become a Christian, we become a new person inside. A new life has begun! Our sins are forgiven and forgotten as far as the east is from the west. We have a clean slate! We have Refreshed our lives for now and all eternity! We should cleanse our hearts and start anew ~ Refresh our day and renew our minds!
It is my hope that whenever you see this little symbol it will remind you to reflect on your life in Christ. Just pause on occasion and press your own Refresh button during your daily walk!
Now, if someone asks you about your charm, you have a great story to tell!
Click HERE to order a sterling silvre Refresh necklace.
Click HERE to order a 14k gold Refresh necklace.
Each comes wrapped a beautiful gift box with the story published in a small pamphlet.
This makes an amazing and loving gift for your friends and family.
Refresh Story & Jewelry – Copyright January 2019