Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Did you know that necklaces likely adorned the necks of the earliest humans? Those earliest necklaces, worn over 20,000 years ago, were crafted from various materials to convey beauty and symbolism. This Seven Pillars necklace is no exception as a beautiful symbol of Wisdom. It is both a contemporary design and a story piece.
The number 7 is considered to be the number of spiritual perfection as the symbol of God’s work. In addition, 7 is the most sacred number representing God and Heaven.
In scripture, Wisdom is described as female and has seven pillars that support the roof as a solid and permanent structure. “Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars” (Proverbs 9:1). Proverbs 8 says that Wisdom was created before the earth was formed, she was created by God in the very beginning. In Proverbs 9:10 it is written, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
Did you know that anyone can ask for and receive Wisdom? This is a promise from God to gift you with Wisdom, no matter who you are. In James 1:5, it is written, “If any of you lacks Wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” Wisdom is something we seek. For our benefit, God made Jesus to be Wisdom itself (I Corinthians 1:30). “But the Wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure and full of quiet gentleness. Then it is peace-loving and courteous. It allows discussion and is willing to yield to others; it is full of mercy and good deeds. It is wholehearted and straightforward and sincere.” (James 3:17 TLB).
These are the Seven Pillars of Wisdom that are represented in this pendant. If you remember them, the story you tell will be even more meaningful.
Take time to look up the meanings of each of these pillars. Consider it a personal journey to learn more about these virtues of Wisdom. Although this pendant symbolizes Wisdom, it is not a statement of how wise we are, rather a reminder that we are Wisdom seekers. It is my hope that this necklace will remind you to reflect on your life in Christ. Be encouraged as you seek Wisdom throughout your daily walk. May God bless you on your journey!
Now, if someone asks you about your pendant, you have a great story to tell!